Thursday, August 14, 2008

After so many years of same old look and atmosphere in the house, i decided to change it, renovate with as little budget as possible.... thats means.. DIYing... so coming up i'll be posting part by part of the house that i have done...

Lets start with the easy part, painting the living's wall and lighting.

The old living's wall is consist of 2 colours, the top part which is cream colour (eversince i moved in) and bottom part a oceons blue colour with wallpapers at the middle as divider.

The old wall lighting, chrome colours with 3 arcrylic half ring, 2 clear and 1 sandblast. Full of dust n rust.......

Close up look... all the rusty part..not to mention the dust.......

Using a testpen i dismentle it part by part, remember to put it in a box/ container just incase you lost something..

Cleaning and drying the the arcrylic part...becareful not to break it tho..

Using a left over can of spray paint, i painted to whole base part of it.. which is the rusty part

After being put back together

I painted my wall white, using Nippon Spot-less range

A close up of the lighting

Expenses so far

2 x 5lit drums of Nippon Spot-less (white) , 2 x 1lit Nippon Vinilex (red), 2x Roller

Can of spray paint (darkbrown)- leftover, found it in my tools box

1 set of painting equipments, tray, brush etc.




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