Saturday, June 28, 2008


Well recently i've been busy .. busy playing my playstation 3 thats it. And the game is call MGS4 (Metal Gear Solid 4) for those who own playstation, playstation 1, 2 or 3... Metal Gear is one of the most populor epic game around... for playstation it all started with Metal Gear Solid..where u play as Solid snake... very interesting story line when i first play it back in... years.. ago. Anyway the story continue on playstation 2 console for MGS2 and MGS3 ( where you play as naked snake.. sort of father of solid snake..) then the story move to psp and.. finally MGS4 on playstation 3. For more info of the series.. which is quite long.. read it here

As for here.. i just gonna psot some photo which i took while in action... (you got a camera in-game)

Snake with difference facecamo from left facecamo, classic MSG facepaint, young solid snake facepaint, Old snake (no facecamo) with solid eye.

One of the bosses (rage) quite a beauty (Beauty & the Beast)

After you beat her on her first form she will come to hug you

But be warned.. when she hug you.. your life will be drain!!

Action! action!.. kill and shot.. with camera ofcourse

Hold..! hands up, let me see what you got... ermm nice toys...

One of the bosses, vamp which cant die.. got my camera out while he was attacking me.. guess he doesnt like to be taken..

Wallpaper- Raiden (MGS2 main character) one of the hero of MGS4

PSP wallpaper- Old/Solid Snake



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